Admissions policy / T&C's

The Day Nursery Lietutis aims to ensure the provision of quality childcare while providing flexibility for parents, balanced with the effective running of the setting.

Applications for Day Nursery Lietutis places will be considered on the following basis:

Priority will be given to parents requiring full time places.

A minimum of 2 full days per week must be booked in line with good childcare practice and to enable effective planning within the setting. Where possible, within the above criteria, priority will be given to siblings of children already attending the setting.

We do not discriminate anyone and equally accept all, including children with special educational needs. 

To register the child with us we must have received:

  • Copy of child’s birth certificate;
  • Copy of one of the parent’s proof of address;
  • Copy of Immunization sheets;
  • A completed child’s Registration Form;
  • A completed and signed Childcare Agreement;
  • Refundable deposit of 2 week’s rate agreed.
  • A non-refundable administration charge of £50.00 to be paid by cash or bank transfer at the time signing the Childcare Agreement. 

Day Nursery Lietutis base opening times are Monday to Friday 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM throughout the year except for all Bank Holidays and Christmas Week.

Your child can attend from 7.00 AM, but then must be picked up by 5.00 PM or paid for an extra hour.

Children may arrive later than 8.00 AM or picked up earlier than 6.00 PM but parents will be charged for the full day. Childcare is allocated for 10 hours a day. 

Extra hours might be added for if necessity – extra morning or extra evening hour. Parents must inform Manager at least a day before about the supposed extra hour to be taken. Extra hour to be paid directly by cash on the same day (please see the table for below). 

Day Nursery Lietutis acknowledges that parents’ needs may change. Consideration will be given to a reduction in sessions subject to the changes being compatible with the efficient running of the setting. If agreement is given to a reduction in sessions, 2 weeks notice must be given. Full fees will be charged for the notice period. A reduction of less than 2 days per week will not be considered.

Additional sessions may be agreed according to availability of spaces and in consultation with the Manager. Once a place has been offered and accepted the agreed start date must stand. In exceptional circumstances the Manager may agree to extend the start date by a maximum of 2 weeks. If a place is to be kept open after this period full fees will have to be charged.

Flexibility in days and sessions applied for may increase the possibility of a place being offered.

Fees are slightly higher for the under twos because of higher staff ratios.

There are 2 price lists for 9 months – 4 years old children who receive funding: for attendance throughout the year (Stretched offer) and for attendance only during school time (Standard offer) – these can be explained to you when requested.

Fees are payable 1 month in advance and an advanced invoice will be issued and must be paid before the start of new month. When child joins the nursery, the remaining amount of the month are to be paid on or before the first day of attendance. Fees, which remain unpaid or are paid constantly late, may result in child’s place to be allocated to another child. Fees are subject to change by advance notice. 

We accept payments to our Bank Account or cash. 

Parents who are entitled to Universal Tax credits or other benefits can be eligible for a  compensation from government for childcare.

Refunds are not given for non-attendance, sickness, holidays or other reasons, as our staffing costs are incurred whether your child attends or not.But please report any absences because we need to know the number of children in advance due to the planning of the day’s activities.

Nursery  management has the right to change fees informing the parents 1 month in advance.

We are closed on all Bank Holidays, but the fee for the week remains the same. But we are not taking fee for Christmas Week’s closure.

If parents accept our offer of a place, we will require a deposit of 2 week’s rate agreed . This will secure a child’s place and is refundable with one month’s notice of child leaving. However, no refund will be made should parents decide not to take the place.

We operate a positive behaviour reinforcement policy at Day Nursery Lietutis, encouraging children by praise; thus minimises any unacceptable behaviour.

We insist that any sanctions applied must take account of the age and development of the child, be given at the time, be relevant to the action and be fair.

Corporal punishment (slapping/smacking/shaking) is NOT acceptable practise and will not be used, although it may be necessary to take physical action in an emergency to prevent personal injury.

Any health & safety queries to be forwarder and dealt to Manager. 

We would like all parents to make sure both front doors are closed at all time when entering or leaving the building and they are mindful of little fingers.

Please advice the setting prior 8 AM if a child will not be attending due to illness. Parents agree that the child, who is ill (e.g. fever, infection, diarrhoea, communicable disease, or any other type of illness that might be passed on to others, with the exception of the common cold) will be kept at home to protect the well-being of the other children and staff. The parents further agree should a child become ill while in our care, that immediate arrangements will be made to remove the child from the setting. Children will not be allowed to return to setting until they have been symptoms free for at least 24 hours. In some cases, a note from a doctor may be necessary.    

Please advise the setting immediately if you will be arriving later then the pre-arranged time to pickup your child. It is parent’s responsibility to ensure that children are picked up no later then 6.00 PM if the Extra evening hour is not agreed. Parents, who are slight to do that will be charged additional fees or other actions will be taken according to the COLLECTION AND LATE COLLECTION POLICY. 

One months notice is required in order to withdraw your child from the nursery. Full fees will be charged for the notice period. No exceptions will be made. 

Children are presumed to be leaving 31st August after the 5th birthday. No place will be guaranteed after this time, unless required signed agreement with the nursery.

Day Nursery Lietutis reserves the right to terminate a child’s place with immediate effect if a serious breach of Childcare Agreement, Terms & Conditions or Policies & Procedures occurs, or if termination of a place is considered by Lietutis to be in the best interests of the setting and/or the continuing welfare of the other children at the setting. Examples of this are: a parent using foul language or being abusive or alleged to staff; a parent frequently arriving late at the nursery without prior notification, or regularly failing to pay fees and etc.

Day Nursery Lietutis provides all meals including Breakfast, Lunch, Tea and snacks. All food is made according to European cuisine and menus made by a dietician.

2-5 years old children mealtimes:


Mid-morning Snack

Lunch time

Afternoon snack 

16.00 – 16.30
Afternoon tea 

Evening snack for children who remain for extra hour

Under 2 years children will get formula milk – provided by the parents – and meals according to each baby’s routine, age and stage of development. Labelled bottles and dummies to be provided by parents.

Mealtimes are an excellent social activity where children learn to sit at the table and learn table manners and assist with clearing up etc. Our meals are freshly prepared on the day using organic and local produce wherever we can. 

Water is available at all times and children may pour their own from the plastic bottles provided. If parents wish to send child’s own cup, please ensure that it is clearly labelled.

Important: No food containing NUTS and HONEY to be brought to the setting.

As Day Nursery is a place where we encourage children to explore various activities including clay, sand, water and paint we suggest that children are dressed appropriately.

All parents are asked to provide a full change of clothing for their child clearly market with child’s name. We do ask parents to dress their children in clothes, which are simply and easy to get on and off, jeans, dungarees are very uncomfortable, and buttons, zips and laces are very frustrating to a young child. Parents are asked to dress their children in comfortable clothes that are easy for carers to manage, along with shoes, which have Velcro or buckle fasteners. Advised young children always dress in clothing which they can cope with. Buckles and belts on trousers are difficult and time consuming if a child has to rush to the toilet. Also we are asking parents do not send children in expensive or new clothes; it can ruin all the fun in a day if staffs are worried about children getting paint, glues etc on their clothes. 

We also ask that parents provide for the winter months Wellington boots and warm outdoor clothing, and in the summer, a sun hat and spray sun cream at least factor 25 for the hot weather. We would also prefer children not to wear jewellery as it can be dangerous and we cannot be responsible for its loss.

We, at Day Nursery Lietutis, will work in conjunction with parents during potty training. If you have a method that has been working for you, please let us know and we will adopt it for your child. Should you discontinue potty training at home, please let us know. If a child shows no interest in potty training, we will discuss this with you and probably will choose to discontinue and try again later.

We operate an open access policy and parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures file and any time we are open, simply by asking the person in charge.

Parents are welcome to see any records relevant to their child and an appointment can be made to do this and discuss any details with staff.

We complete assessment forms at regular intervals for all children in our care.

Manager and all staff are responsible for the maintenance of premises and equipment. We receive inspections from the Fire Safety Offices, Health and Safety and Ofsted.